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Drama Techniques: Developing Self-Expression, Communication and Social Skills for All Students Course

From july 25th to 30th, an Educator went to Dublin, Ireland to took part in “Drama Techniques: Developing Self-Expression, Communication and Social Skills for All Students Course”, where she had the chance to learned through exploration, engaging creativity, embracing mistakes as an important step in learning and having as much fun as possible while doing so. 

The learning outcoming were:

-Use drama techniques as a special means of communication and collaboration especially for students with special needs

-Develop creativity and motivate pupils

-Understand the different aspects of body language

-Respond to students’ challenging behaviors effectively

-Promote inclusion among members of the school community (teachers, students, etc.)Apply a holistic approach to promote wellbeing, mental, and emotional growth, as well as empathy for teachers and all students.

It was a novel approach to education, one that can bring learning to life, and is
more practical, holistic, creative, expressive, and enjoyable for both teachers
and students.