Estás en: » Blog » Erasmus+ » KA121-SCH 23/24 » Our Basic Vocational Training partner has spent a week in Dublin with the course «Happy Teachers for Better Students»

Our Basic Vocational Training partner has spent a week in Dublin with the course «Happy Teachers for Better Students»

The objectives of the course were to become aware of the role of the teacher, the focus of their classes, their participation as a member of work teams and regulate their forces to reduce the stress to which this beautiful profession exposes us.

The course has also offered resources to deal with overwork, reduce stress, regulate emotions, use assertiveness with students, families and colleagues in rushed or tense situations…

Now we are going to put into practice the learned techniques of mindfulness, to continue learning to communicate effectively and assertively.
Being Teacher: work life balance is possible!
Are you the teacher you want to be? Swot analysis for teachers. Emotions regulation.