Estás en: » Blog » Erasmus+ » KA121-SCH 23/24 » Visit of Istituto Francesco Saverio Nitti (Portici, Italy) to our school

Visit of Istituto Francesco Saverio Nitti (Portici, Italy) to our school

From March 5th to March 9th 2024, Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal 2º class of Secondary School received the visit of 5 students and 2 teachers from Istituto Francesco Saverio Nitti (Portici, Italy).
During these days the Italian and Spanish students worked together on the production of a short video about women and gender perspectives. Five teams were set up, each led by an Italian student who coordinated a team of 3-4 Spanish students. During the first day, the teams worked on the script. During the second day they carried out the video and audio recording. On the third day the video editing took place. Finally, on the fourth day each team designed an Instagram post to advertise their short video.

These are the videos:


On Saturday, March 9th the Italian delegation had the chance to visit Valencia and its surroundings, including the Albufera lake and natural reserve.