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Erasmus +

En el Col·legi Diocesà Santiago Apòstol Cabanyal, participamos activamente en el programa Erasmus+, lo que nos permite colaborar con instituciones educativas de toda Europa.

A través de movilidades a países como Irlanda, Italia y Finlandia, nuestros estudiantes y profesores han participado en proyectos de formación en áreas como la inclusión social y la tecnología STEM. Además, hemos recibido visitas de docentes internacionales, enriqueciendo nuestras prácticas pedagógicas. Gracias a Erasmus+, seguimos fomentando el intercambio cultural y el aprendizaje global para mejorar la educación en nuestro centro.

Instituciones colaboradoras del proyecto Erasmus +

* Funded by the European Union: views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Categoría: Erasmus+

Si deseas conocer más sobre nuestras experiencias Erasmus+, visita las publicaciones bajo estas líneas y descubre cómo seguimos trabajando para mejorar la educación y la convivencia a través de este programa de la Unión Europea.

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Text in English Our Erasmus+ Coordinator has carried out a Teaching Assignment at Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Zgłobniui, near Rzeszow (Poland), from January 13th to January 17th, [...]

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On November 22nd, 2024 Colegio Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal, organised the project’s final event at Teatre el Musical, located at Plaza del Rosario, 3 (Valencia, Spain). During the event, the representatives [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator travelled to Halden (Norway), where he had the chance to visit several primary and secondary schools under the supervision of Østfold University College. During the mobility he [...]

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Nuestro coordinador Erasmus+ ha llevado a cabo una movilidad como Experto Invitado en el instituto Zakladna skola Nam. [...]

El Colegio Diocesano Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal (València), el Club de Basket Gators (Savigliano, Italia) y la Asociación Amik del Basket (Alboraya, València) van a presentar los resultados del Proyecto Streetball4inclusion, [...]

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The second edition of the Streetball4inclusion training sessions will start on October 18th, 2024, aimed at Colegio Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal's pupils and children from Poblats Marítims district. [...]
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Our colleagues Ainoa and Lorena have been this past August doing some courses in Dublin, specifically at the headquarters of the Europass Teacher Academy. Ainoa has done a yoga course [...]

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Day 1 – June 14th, 2024 The second mobility of Players event took place in Savigliano, Italy, from June 14th to 16th, 2024. The attendees included the three Steering Committee [...]

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Del 13 al 18 de mayo dos estudiantes de 1º y 2º de ESO y dos profesores estuvieron visitando la escuela secundaria Raimondo Montecuccoli en De Pavullo Nel Frignano, un [...]

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From May 6th to May 10th 2024 Colegio Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal received the visit of six Turkish teachers on a Job Shadowing mobility. The teachers were shown the different STEM [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator carried out a Job Shadowing mobility at DIAK Applied Sciences University and Stadin AO Vocational Training centres. He had the chance to get to know the Romako [...]

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On February 29th and March 1st Colegio Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal hosted a Zumba trainer as an invited expert in its KA121-SCH 23/24 project. The trainer is Eva Macholdová, she comes [...]

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From March 5th to March 9th 2024, Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal 2º class of Secondary School received the visit of 5 students and 2 teachers from Istituto Francesco Saverio Nitti (Portici, [...]