En el Col·legi Diocesà Santiago Apòstol Cabanyal, participamos activamente en el programa Erasmus+, lo que nos permite colaborar con instituciones educativas de toda Europa.
A través de movilidades a países como Irlanda, Italia y Finlandia, nuestros estudiantes y profesores han participado en proyectos de formación en áreas como la inclusión social y la tecnología STEM. Además, hemos recibido visitas de docentes internacionales, enriqueciendo nuestras prácticas pedagógicas. Gracias a Erasmus+, seguimos fomentando el intercambio cultural y el aprendizaje global para mejorar la educación en nuestro centro.
* Funded by the European Union: views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The second step in the development of the EcoThings project consists in acquiring the Arduino kit which includes the motherboard, the processor, the sensors, the LEDs and the cables. Our [...]
The pupils at P1 started programming their first piece of hardware by using Facilino software. The buzzer responded and the kids were in awe. The journey towards domotics goes on!
[...]Colegio Santiago Apóstol’s pupils have started working for the first time on Tinkercad, the free online 3D design software which will allow us to set up and create the smart [...]
Today we presented the EcoThings project to the pupils who are going to work in it. We talked about domotics and its characteristics, advantages and implications. The project development is [...]
The KA220-SCH project labelled «EcoThings» finally reached Colegio Santiago Apóstol’s classes. In January 2023 our 5th primary class was introduced to the project general layout and objectives, which include creating [...]
¡La magia de la domótica ha llegado a quinto de primaria del Santiago Apóstol y nos ha cautivado a todos! Ha sido una experiencia emocionante y llena de descubrimientos, donde [...]
Col.legi Diocesà Santiago Apòstol Cabanyal-València | 2013-2025