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The Second Transnational Meeting for Streetball4inclusion was held in Savigliano on September 1-2, 2023. Participants reviewed the project, visited local sports facilities, and concluded with a cultural tour of the [...]
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The First Transnational Meeting took place in Valencia on January 31 and February 1, 2023. Key project topics such as the Grant Agreement, reporting, and tasks were discussed. Attendees also [...]

El pasado 26 de Mayo de 2017 terminaron la temporada de fútbol sala el alumnado de nuestro cole. Llevamos ya dos temporadas pero sin duda es aún el principio de [...]


Gran partido del Colegio Santiago Apóstol, el alumnado de cuarto quinto y sexto de primaria del colegio ha disputado su primer partido de liga contra el colegio EUROPA. Muchas ganas [...]