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Text in English Our Erasmus+ Coordinator has carried out a Teaching Assignment at Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Zgłobniui, near Rzeszow (Poland), from January 13th to January 17th, [...]

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On November 22nd, 2024 Colegio Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal, organised the project’s final event at Teatre el Musical, located at Plaza del Rosario, 3 (Valencia, Spain). During the event, the representatives [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator travelled to Halden (Norway), where he had the chance to visit several primary and secondary schools under the supervision of Østfold University College. During the mobility he [...]

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Nuestro coordinador Erasmus+ ha llevado a cabo una movilidad como Experto Invitado en el instituto Zakladna skola Nam. [...]
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Our colleagues Ainoa and Lorena have been this past August doing some courses in Dublin, specifically at the headquarters of the Europass Teacher Academy. Ainoa has done a yoga course [...]

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Day 1 – June 14th, 2024 The second mobility of Players event took place in Savigliano, Italy, from June 14th to 16th, 2024. The attendees included the three Steering Committee [...]

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Del 13 al 18 de mayo dos estudiantes de 1º y 2º de ESO y dos profesores estuvieron visitando la escuela secundaria Raimondo Montecuccoli en De Pavullo Nel Frignano, un [...]

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From March 5th to March 9th 2024, Santiago Apóstol Cabanyal 2º class of Secondary School received the visit of 5 students and 2 teachers from Istituto Francesco Saverio Nitti (Portici, [...]

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Entre el 12 y el 16 de febrero, nuestro alumnado de Formación Profesional de Grado Básico, recibió la visita de estudiantes de Formación Profesional de Turismo y Business de Weber [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator carried out a Teaching assignment at Liceo Orazio Flacco (Portici, Italy) from December 18th to December 22nd, 2023. During the mobility he taught Anatomy, Geography, Arts and [...]

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The first mobility of players took place in Valencia from November 24 to 26, 2023. Teams from Gators, Amik del Basket, and C.B Grau participated. Streetball tournaments and cultural activities, [...]

  El Colegio Parroquial Diocesano Santiago Apóstol, como organización coordinadora del proyecto STREETBALL4INCLUSION, cofinanciado a través de la convocatoria Erasmus+ KA210-SPORT de la Comisión Europea, tiene el placer de anunciar [...]