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The objectives of the course were to become aware of the role of the teacher, the focus of their classes, their participation as a member of work teams and regulate [...]
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The Second Transnational Meeting for Streetball4inclusion was held in Savigliano on September 1-2, 2023. Participants reviewed the project, visited local sports facilities, and concluded with a cultural tour of the [...]
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Our Erasmus+ coordinator successfully attended the course «Explore, Reflect, Discover: An Immersive Learning Experience in Florence», where he learnt how to engage primary and secondary students in school subjects through [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator took part in the Stress management course in Crete (Greece), where he had the occasion to get useful insight on stress generation and management in educational environments.Several [...]

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The pupils at P1 started programming their first piece of hardware by using Facilino software. The buzzer responded and the kids were in awe. The journey towards domotics goes on!

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The KA220-SCH project labelled «EcoThings» finally reached Colegio Santiago Apóstol’s classes. In January 2023 our 5th primary class was introduced to the project general layout and objectives, which include creating [...]

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¡La magia de la domótica ha llegado a quinto de primaria del Santiago Apóstol y nos ha cautivado a todos! Ha sido una experiencia emocionante y llena de descubrimientos, donde [...]

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Our Erasmus+ coordinator had the chance to work with magnificent teachers and students at Valmiera Tehnikum vocational Training Centre in Latvia. Together with the local teachers, he was able to [...]

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A finales de marzo, una vez Las Fallas de 2023 acabaron, algunos alumnos de 1º de la ESO tuvimos la oportunidad de ir a Croacia una semana, más concretamente a [...]

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Our colleague Lorena carried out a Job Shadowing mobility at Heinrich-Hertz-Schule, Hamburg (Germany) between April 11th and April 14th. She was visiting the primary and secondary school and had the [...]

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El baloncesto es un deporte que puede tener un gran impacto en la vida de los niños, niñas y jóvenes, especialmente aquellos que están en situación de vulnerabilidad. El proyecto [...]

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Del 5 al 12marzo, el alumnado de FP Básica tuvo la posibilidad de viajar a Weyer, una pequeña localidad situada en las montañas del estado de Alta Austria. Durante la [...]


Como sabéis, el pasado 6 de febrero de 2023, hubo un terremoto de gran escala en Turquía y Siria. Desde la comunidad educativa, queremos poner nuestro granito de arena para [...]