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Etiqueta: KA121
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From August 8th to 12th, a teacher went to Dublin, Irelands to take part in an English language course. Here we have his experience: With a native English teacher, I [...]

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From August 21 to 27, an Educator went to Split, Croatia to conduct a special needs course at the School. In education, creating an appropriate and supportive learning environment for [...]

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From july 25th to 30th, an Educator went to Dublin, Ireland to took part in “Drama Techniques: Developing Self-Expression, Communication and Social Skills for All Students Course”, where she had [...]

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El Colegio Santiago Apóstol apuesta de manera cada vez más decidida por la internacionalización y modernización de sus metodologías pedagógicas a través del nuevo proyecto KA121 aprobado por la Agencia [...]