Our 2019-1-ES01-KA101-061836 project was successfully completed on June 30th, 2022, despite the considerable difficulties originated by the Covid-19 pandemic. All 14 mobilities were carried out: 6 Job Shadowings and 8 Training Courses. The overall approved budget was 25.560 €.
The project results were the following ones:
- Through different training courses and Job Shadowings, the parcipants had to chance to study several methodologies aimed at increasing social inclusion in the classroom, successfully managing conflict, exploiting diversity in educational contexts. The overall result was a significant reduction of conflicts in our school in the past two years.
- By implementing the acquired competences in terms of pedagogical modernisation, educational space layouts, inclusion, diversity and conflict management, the school figures in terms of absenteeism and earcly school drop-out have been significantly lower in the last two years.
- The participants gained useful insight on specific ICT areas such as coding, robotics, 3D printing, sound recording, video making and Interactive White Board usage.
- The participants acquired relevant insight on educational space layouts, gaining different perspectives on how classroom elements can me modified, replaced, rearranged or even withdrawn with the aim to improve communication, interaction, collaboration and creativity among students and teachers.
- The creativity course in Slovenia, but also several other courses and Job Shadowings, helped our practitioners to develop new methodologies aimed at both students and teachers and focused on the development of creative skills. The result toolkit includes specific tests, use of ICT, pedagogical workflow and interdisciplinary focus.
- The contacts made by the participants during the mobilities favoured the establishment of strong, long-term cooperation with some of the host institutions. The Job Shadowing in Portugal led to a mobility of group of students later on in 2022. The training course in the Netherlands set the basis for a visit to our centre by two Dutch teachers in September 2022. The Job Shadowing in Croatia allowed host and sending institutions to set up a collaboration agreement which will make possible a mobility of gour of students next summmer and a joijt participation in the KA210-SCH call in February 2023.
- The ICT increased knowledge gained through the mobilities’ activities had a considerable impact on the school organisational workflow, specifically on the communication and collaboration tools included in Google Workspace. A more effective use of apps like Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Sites, Classroom, Chat and YouTube channels has been achieved and has made the overall school organisation more efficient.
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